Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Love Quotes!

Ah quotes!
"I would've made a good pope."
---Richard Nixon
"I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it."
---Thomas Jefferson
"I like men who behave like men---strong and childish."
---Francoise Sagan
"When we got into office the thing that surprised me the most was that things were as bad as we'd been saying they were."
---John F. Kennedy
"I never trust a man unless I've got his pecker in my pocket."
---Lyndon Johnson
"You've got to be careful when quoting Ronald Reagan, because when you quote him accurately it's called mudslinging."
---Walter Mondale
"The man with the best job in the country is the Vice President. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, 'How's the President?'"
---Will Rogers
"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."

"Plato was a bore."
---Frederick Nitzsche

"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal."
---Leo Tolstoy

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