Monday, May 4, 2009

Brooklyn Historic Railway System!

A new trolley line being built independently in Brooklyn! Craziness. Apparently the BHRA owns those trolley cars in Red Hook behind Fairway. The cars were originally from Boston.

The people behind the BHRA also discovered a long-lost subway tunnel dating back to the 1840s from a forgotten line that far predates the MTA. It is in fact the oldest subway known to exist! More info and tours here.

The Atlantic Avenue Tunnel is officially the world's oldest subway tunnel. This tunnel was built in 1844, under a City of Brooklyn Street. It is a half-mile long and accommodated two standard gauge tracks. The tunnel was built in only seven months, using the cut-and-cover method; only hand tools and primitive equipment was utilized in its construction.

It was built to provide grade separation for early Long Island Rail Road trains that lacked brakes good enough to operate on city streets. The tunnel eliminated vehicular and pedestrian traffic conflicts and delays.

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