Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Love Quotes!

Ah quotes!
"I would've made a good pope."
---Richard Nixon
"I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it."
---Thomas Jefferson
"I like men who behave like men---strong and childish."
---Francoise Sagan
"When we got into office the thing that surprised me the most was that things were as bad as we'd been saying they were."
---John F. Kennedy
"I never trust a man unless I've got his pecker in my pocket."
---Lyndon Johnson
"You've got to be careful when quoting Ronald Reagan, because when you quote him accurately it's called mudslinging."
---Walter Mondale
"The man with the best job in the country is the Vice President. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, 'How's the President?'"
---Will Rogers
"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."

"Plato was a bore."
---Frederick Nitzsche

"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal."
---Leo Tolstoy

For the latest news and gossip about Feral Children!

Friday, May 22, 2009


I used to play with my Hot Wheels track systems all the time with the loop de loop … now Dunlop's done it IRL. Amazing. I got nostalgia and a tingle in my pants at the same time!

Yet another Geekologie link.

The old school way!


I love it.

via Geekologie

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sorcerer's Apprentice Curse?

From Vanishing New York:
… buildings collapse all the time, right? So here's the spooky part. What movie is slated to film in front of this building later this week?

Hint: The movie has already racked up two freak accidents in the past week, a car crash on 7th and 50th that injured 8 and another in Times Square that struck 2 pedestrians and a Sbarro. Plus: A dry cleaners went up in flames on the same corner in Park Slope where this movie was being filmed.

150 West 14th, a building in the West Village here in NYC had the facade torn off with the resident's belongings exposed this week, becoming the FOURTH location the new Nic Cage movie, The Sorcerer's Apprentice to have a freak mishap during filming of the movie. Is it a curse or is it just Fate telling Cage to GO BACK TO ACTING IN DECENT MOVIES?!

Hitchcock's MacGuffin

via Wikipedia

MTA Approves Fare Rate Increases

The MTA here in NYC has approved new rate hikes. It'll now be $2.25 instead of $2 per ride, and monthly unlimited MetroCards will increase from $81 to $89. This is of course less than the initial "draconian" plan that was to be passed, but some have speculated that the original price hike that was going to raise prices even higher and cut some lines was used as a scare tactic so that we'd all be relieved that the MTA is *only* raising prices by a quarter …

The Spocks on Spock.

via TrekMovie

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hustler's Star Trek PR0N!

Okay, so I just saw the new Star Trek movie this morning at 12:45am (even though the actual midnight showing was WEDNESDAY … oh well). Sadly, no skin in the trailer but there is some terrible, terrible acting.

Personally I was to see some Nurse Chapel DP!!!!!
via Geekologie

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Saddam Prison Letter

Equally scary and poorly written is the article on the
NY Daily News

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kane Kramer

This crazy British dude had the foresight to create and patent the ideas behind the iPod back in 1979! And he got a free iPod!!
In 1979 Kramer filed patents for his newly conceived Digital Audio Player, the IXI. The player was the size of a credit card with a small LCD screen and navigation and volume buttons and would have held data on a solid state memory chip with a capacity of 3:50 minutes worth of audio. 5 working prototypes were produced and one was unveiled in a trade exhibition in October 1986.

Brooklyn Historic Railway System!

A new trolley line being built independently in Brooklyn! Craziness. Apparently the BHRA owns those trolley cars in Red Hook behind Fairway. The cars were originally from Boston.

The people behind the BHRA also discovered a long-lost subway tunnel dating back to the 1840s from a forgotten line that far predates the MTA. It is in fact the oldest subway known to exist! More info and tours here.

The Atlantic Avenue Tunnel is officially the world's oldest subway tunnel. This tunnel was built in 1844, under a City of Brooklyn Street. It is a half-mile long and accommodated two standard gauge tracks. The tunnel was built in only seven months, using the cut-and-cover method; only hand tools and primitive equipment was utilized in its construction.

It was built to provide grade separation for early Long Island Rail Road trains that lacked brakes good enough to operate on city streets. The tunnel eliminated vehicular and pedestrian traffic conflicts and delays.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

April DEATH Glaspie

April Glaspie
I recently stumbled across this woman's name when doing a little drunken research into the US involvement in pre-Saddam Iraq and also Saudi Arabia…
It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a green light from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

The US State Department, which is said to have placed a gag order on Glaspie in August 1990 prohibiting her from talking to the media about what had transpired at that meeting, is apparently still keeping her under wraps despite the fact that she retired from the American Foreign Service in 2002. .

In all the years since her meeting with Saddam Hussein, Glaspie has never spoken about it to the media, never appeared as a guest on a TV talk show, never written an article or a book about her time as the US’s top diplomat in Baghdad. The question is: why? What has she got to hide?

Wikipedia has a biography.